together, we can dismantle the youth prison system.
it’s unjust. unreasonable. and unsustainable.
By reinvesting these resources, we can begin to build restorative practices, equitable opportunities, and healing.
We will drive policy change that mandates alternatives to incarceration like prevention and rehabilitation.
We will expand support for restorative solutions by informing the public.
We will inspire action and activism for a movement towards sustained change.

meet our people
our mission:
The Juvenile Justice Coalition strives to provide a youth-centered organizational vehicle for people affected by the juvenile justice system and their communities through policy advocacy, community organizing and education, and nurturing leadership.
our vision:
We envision an Ohio where restorative practices, equitable resources, and healing replace a punitive juvenile justice system, and where all youth and families find power in themselves in safe and stable communities.
restorative justice
JJC believes that systems that work with youth – including juvenile courts and schools – must fundamentally shift from a punitive, punishment-based approach to a restorative approach.
raising awareness
We have been active in leading rallies, marches, and rebellions in the face of the indiscriminate murder of unarmed Black men by the police. Our media presence has solidified our organization in the public eye as a force for good and equality. Our voice will only get louder as we work to end youth incarceration.
mandatory bindovers
In Ohio, juvenile court judges must transfer certain youth under the age of 18 to the adult court system if they are charged with – not convicted of – certain offenses. In Fiscal Year 2016, 168 youth were bound over to adult court. We are working with partners across the state to eliminate mandatory bindovers.
We will dismantle the juvenile justice system because it does more harm than good.
our history:
JJC is a state-wide advocacy organization that works with Ohio youth who are at-risk of involvement or involved in the juvenile justice system. For 30 years, JJC operated as an entirely volunteer community organization and played an active role in juvenile justice advocacy, including being part of many of Ohio’s signature changes to the juvenile justice system like: